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- > Rick Dell'aquill is a ParaNet member from Seven Hills, Ohio and
- State Section Director for the Mutual UFO Network in Cuyahoga County.
- He is a practicing attorney and has contributed articles to the MUFON
- UFO Journal. Again, his views as presented here does not necessarily
- reflect those of ParaNet
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- -----
- >>
- In a recent series of uploads provided to Freenet by Dale Wedge
- and Jim Speiser of Paranet, a December 29, 1987 statement by John Lear
- was quoted. Mr. Lear is a reputable and apparently highly qualified
- airline pilot with impressive credentials. Every so often one finds
- something in UFOlogy which is simply staggering in its implications
- but valueless without supporting evidence and therefore, "hard to
- swallow." Although he should be admired for his courage in presenting
- this information (obtained from various "sources") without hard
- objective evidence, Mr. Lear's statement can only be regarded as
- interesting reading without evidentiary support. In short, he sets a
- nice table but leaves us waiting for dinner.
- >>
- Were it not for his credentials and ParaNet's assurance of his
- "numerous contacts in sensitive positions," the otherwise outlandish
- claims he makes could be dismissed as entertaining fiction. However,
- Mr. Lear's character and reputation require that greater consideration
- be given to his statement. >>
- In summary, Mr. Lear contends that our government has for over 40
- years been concealing from the public a "horrible truth" concerning an
- "invasion" of Earth by EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities).
- He alleges that the U.S. government has conducted "business with
- little gray extraterrestrials for about 20 years," i.e. we were "sold"
- by MJ-12 to the aliens in exchange for technology and to preserve our
- democracy. He contends that our government agreed to ignore
- human/cattle abductions and mutilations, but that the deeply sinister
- purposes of these activities were not completely understood by MJ-12
- until about 1984. >>
- Without explaining the EBE's reason(s) to do business with the
- most powerful nation on Earth when they could covertly continue their
- activities in the Third World without concern, or why these advanced
- and powerful aliens would even want or require our "agreement" to
- continue their activities, Mr. Lear maintains that the purposes of the
- abductions are:
- (1) The insertion of a 3mm spherical device through the nasal cavity
- of the abductee into the brain. The device is used for the biological
- monitoring, tracking, and control of the abductee.
- (2) Implementation of Posthypnotic Suggestion to carry out a specific
- activity during a specific time period, the actuation of which will
- occur within the next 2 to 5 years.
- (3) Termination of some people so that they could function as living
- sources for biological material and substances. (Why not cadavers?)
- (4) Termination of individuals who present a threat to the
- continuation of their activity.
- (5) Effect genetic engineering experiments.
- (6) Impregnation of human females and early termination of
- pregnancies to secure the crossbreed infant.
- >>
- He cites the history of UFOlogy in the 40's and 50's, contending
- that several crashed saucers and at least 3 live aliens have been
- captured and hidden by the government. But would such a powerful
- adversary permit humans to hold, study and possibly copy crashed
- saucers or permit us to keep captured aliens, or would they simply
- take them back? >>
- The EBEs are said to suffer from an atrophied digestive system
- which requires that they sustain themselves by absorbing through the
- skin a solution made from certain enzyme/hormonal secretions derived
- from cattle and humans and collected by ghoulish cattle and human
- mutilations. The various body parts said to be obtained in this
- manner are then supposed to be taken for processing to various hidden
- laboratories jointly maintained by the aliens and CIA in the
- Southwestern U.S. Although this description of the alien's atrophied
- digestive tract agrees with alleged autopsies of dead aliens (reported
- by Stringfield, et al). It is difficult to accept that in at least
- 2000 years of genetic engineering on cattle and humans, the aliens
- have not collected enough material to maintain their own "livestock"
- and feed themselves without CIA cooperation.
- >>
- Mr. Lear maintains that a 20 year plan for release of UFO
- information to the public (including the history and intentions of the
- EBE's) to be completed by 1987-88, was terminated when the "horrible
- truth" became apparent. Indeed, during the first year of the Carter
- Administration, various media sources, including Walter Cronkite on
- the "CBS Evening News" and " U.S. News and World Report," reported
- that before the end of that year the administration was to release UFO
- information of a "startling" nature. The information was never
- released. He contends that "Star Wars" is in reality a defensive
- response to the EBEs, not Soviet nuclear missiles, but does not
- explain why the EBEs permit us to continue with SDI studies that pose
- a threat to them.
- >>
- Among the many manipulations of human history said to be
- perpetrated by the aliens, they maintain that Jesus was their creation
- and that his crucifixion has been recorded in an alien holographic
- videotape. There are also said to be other recordings by humans,
- including an interview of an alien which is translated by an Air Force
- Colonel and other tapes said to be held by UFO investigator William
- Moore. It is difficult to understand why such a superior race,
- capable of manipulating human civilization for a minimum of 2000
- years, would wait to subjugate the planet for that same period. At
- the time of Christ, our most advanced missile system was the
- "slingshot." We are now capable of nuclear "suicide." Insane as that
- would be, their food supply would go up with us.
- >>
- Further evidence should be interesting and will be anxiously
- awaited.
- >>
- >> END <<